
Chain Around Tree – Remove or Do Something Else?

Chain Around Tree – Remove or Do Something Else?

by _birbo


  1. I’ve just moved to a new property that is in the woods in mid Michigan, there are many of the trees like the one pictured which I think are white pine? This one is maybe 100 feet tall and it has this chain wrapped around it that is cutting into it’s bark and constricting it. My first thought was to cut the chain off, but then I thought maybe this is the kind of thing where a special set of steps is needed to ensure removing the chain doesn’t harm it. Would appreciate any advice, thanks.

  2. MysticMarbles

    Grab a grinder and cut it off. End of story. Likely going to take MANY cuts as it looks pretty trapped in a few spots.

  3. Martha_Fockers

    Bolt cutters or grinder and no one stand to the sides or back of chain just incase it decides to turn into a whip. Should be fine infront as the cutter.

    Odds are the chain is stuck on the bark and when cutting your gonna find you’ll need to cut it off in several spots to remove

  4. bmoorman05

    After cutting the chain I wouldn’t rip it off if it doesn’t fall itself. Might damage it more

  5. Firm_Ad_7229

    Is the tree going to get a head rush when that comes off?

    Maybe some form of crush syndrome?

    Maybe let out a long sigh.

  6. slimspidey

    Honest question. Why can I see a tree eat, fences, cars, bikes, etc. But this will kill the tree? Is it because of the full circumference? The species of the tree?

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