African Violets

What’s wrong with this elderly A.V.?

I've had this AV for over a decade. It's outer leaves started droopong and I cut them there were almost a dozen of them. Most are doing well re-rootong in water.

She's blooming. It still droopong.

I fertilize her with every watering. I haven't moved her location for decades which is not direct sin or actually indirect sun in the afternoon.

What should I do?

by dioRocksMetalOn


  1. RedDragonfly213

    I’m commenting to get this more attention because one of my 6 year old African Violets is doing the same thing.

    My best guess for mine is humidity is causing the soil to stay too wet, but idk, it’s been in the same room its whole life just like yours. I’ve tried repotting, watering more often, watering less often, fertilizing, everything I could think of

    Best of luck!

  2. i-like-to-build

    Just guessing here. You fertilize every watering at full strength? Or 1/4 strength?

  3. i-like-to-build

    I am not an expert, but I believe 1/4 of the recommended strength if you fertilize every time you water. Every type of fertilizer has a different recommendation for ideal strength. I would also consider repotting it if you haven’t in the last 6-9 months. Sometimes new soil can perk them up. It also gives you a chance to inspect the roots.

  4. Impressive-Cloud8246

    her flowers are beautiful though

  5. Greedy_Path_9561

    They say they should be repotted every 6 months🤷‍♀️

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