
No new roots from Pothos after a month in water, should I cut and use rooting hormone?

No new roots from Pothos after a month in water, should I cut and use rooting hormone?

by futurarmy


  1. Taythgoat

    No need to for rooting hormone it can take a while .. cut this into two different props at the circled mark .. leave them out to allow the new cut to callous to help avoid rotting the stem then stick them back in water .. dont completely change water unless it gets yucky instead just top off.. it took for me about 2 months before seeing roots on my cuttings now they are throwing me new leafs even in the water .. also if they do throw you new leaves they are fine to grow under water

  2. Redditisforfascistss

    Mine took a month before any root growth, I bet it just needs to be in the water longer especially if there are only a few root spots, you could try putting it in some sunlight by a window might encourage some more growth, or more cuttings in the water

  3. aalpacaccino

    Wait until the roots can feasibly support the plant in soil by itself. Good luck!

  4. j33pwrangler

    Make sure it’s in a warm enough spot. Won’t root if it’s below 65° F.

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