
I don’t think I will never learn my lesson… anyone else incapable of planting an appropriate number of zucchini?

Any suggestions for what to do with it all are welcome. I don’t want to make anymore zucchini bread lol.

by Marasmius_oreades


  1. givethismanabeerplz

    Marro bread is really good and marrow browies are even better!

  2. StrangeQuark1221

    I’m in the same boat with my cucumbers
    I wanna grow zucchini next year, how many plants is this from?

  3. DrippyBlock

    Count your blessings cause some of us in squash borer territory with wildlife gardens (can’t spray) can’t get any varieties to grow.

    Edit: I took another look at the picture and I’m so jealous rn.

  4. Ok-Outcome-5557

    I love sautéing it and adding it to pasta!

  5. Uborkafarok

    Zucchini parmesan! It’s so much better than eggplant!

  6. cookeddistributor

    Try making zucchini fritters or adding them to stir-fries for a tasty twist. You can also freeze shredded zucchini for later use in soups or casseroles. If you’re feeling adventurous, how about zucchini noodles? They’re a fun and healthy alternative to pasta!

  7. my first successful attempt included only one plant. I had to hand pollinate each female flower. I got 4 good zucchini and 4 unpollinated ones because I had no viable male flowers. this fall (6b) I’m going to try 3 plants and see if I can get more than 4 good zucchini per plant per season.

  8. dirtmonger

    If you pick them when they’re small (like 6-8 inches long), you’ll have less and they’ll taste better, too.

  9. DangerousLettuce1423

    You could send some to me 😉. Wrong time of year for them here in NZ, so stupidly expensive to buy atm.

    Also, are those greengage plums?

  10. nobodyclark

    Zucchini boats? Or grating it into spaghetti bolognaise & Nachos works well as well

  11. Constant-Catch7146

    Yup, not as many as this… but ready to try zucchini fries in the air fryer to get rid of the last of them.

  12. nor_cal_woolgrower

    One yellow and one green is perfect

  13. tu-BROOKE-ulosis

    And here I’m on attempt number FOUR this year, and I’ve gotten like 3 total zucchini 😩

  14. Nuvanuvanuva

    zucchini pancakes, zucchini chocolate cake?

  15. Drawn-Otterix

    Should make zucchini flour, sneak some veggies in your breads and pastas

  16. swaps388

    It looks like you’re harvesting them at least 3 days late. Pick them earlier and you’ll have less seeds

  17. Reddog115

    Yes, with me it’s chronic. Every year I relearn my lesson.

  18. TheFigKing

    Donate to food bank. It would be appreciated very much

  19. It is not possible to make too much zuchini bread. If you are tired of making the regular type, then make chocolate flavor.

    …or slice it into spears, bread it and deep fry it. So, so good with some ranch dressing and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

    …or let them grow really big and you can hollow them out and carve them like you would a pumpkin.

  20. UniquebutnotUnique

    For these dishes, I generally use smaller 8-12oz zucchini:

    Broiled Zucchini: quarter, toss in oil and salt and broil till slightly charred.  Throw some feta or make some garlicky yogurt to slather on and enjoy.

    Saute or roast and throw in your favorite pasta.  Alfredo? Zucchini.  Marinara? Zucchini.  Pesto? Zucchini.  Butter and shrimp?  Zucchini!

    Sub for noodles in your chicken noodle soup. Throw in some diced tomatoes while you’re at it.

    When you’re sick of it, grate and blanch with steam and freeze for later.

  21. auri-mae

    I lost every single zucchini plant I planted this year and last to squash vine borers. I am so sad about it, but I will not use pesticides in my garden 😞. I am glad for your haul though! That is awesome.

  22. Lilliiss

    Wow lucky! The place looks really nice too 🙂

  23. rupert101

    I got this many from ONE plant last year so I took a break this year from zukes

  24. Diela1968

    So far with one plant I’ve done two batches of zucchini bread, a batch of zucchini marmalade, and zucchini banana bread. Oh, and zucchini bread and butter pickles. I used pickle crisp to keep them crunchy, but it’s a refrigerated recipe, not canned.

    Next is sheet pan roasted for the freezer for winter side dishes

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