Gardening Ireland

To stake or no?

Gladioli are about a meter tall and a few getting ready to flower are leaning a lot. Never had them before – should I give them some support?

by HeterochromiasMa


  1. AdAccomplished8239

    You probably should stake them. They look a bit sad when they fall over. A bamboo cane would probably do the trick.

    I like glads as a cut flower, but I hate staking them, so I grew them in blocks of 50 – 100 which kept them mostly upright. That’s probably no help in your situation though. 

  2. skaterbrain

    Yes, do. if they start lying on the ground they get trampled and don’t show their best flowers well.

    Try not to make it look too much like a prisoner tied to a pole, though; I make little tripods with three bamboo canes – preferably green ones, if you can – and sort of drape the plants so that the sticks aren’t too visible. One tripod will easily support several plants.

  3. life_m2000

    Definitely stake them. I have to do it with mine.

  4. AnyDamnThingWillDo

    Yep. All of ours went over this year after the wind last week. I had intended supporting them and then scratched my arse on the 5 minute job it would have been. Serves me right

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