
Can this be saved?

I don’t have a picture of the entire tree (not my tree), but it is a Japanese maple, planted in zone 5a (Toronto Canada area), about chest high, with a canopy of about 8’ diameter.

100% of the leaves are wilted/infected.

It is watered by an in ground sprinkler system with garden sprays for 15 minutes, every other day. I did not check the soil for moisture. We have had the most rain in July in the last 80 years. So I don’t think lack of water is an issue. I believe it is infected with ‘leaf spot and rots’, according to Picture This.

Can it be saved? If so, how?

Thanks in advance

by Significant_Eye9165

1 Comment

  1. HawkingRadiation_

    This is scorch.

    Picture this is functionally, imo, Chinese spyware. So
    I wouldn’t go around trusting its diagnosis.

    Was it planted this year? Is the tree near stone or concrete at all? How much light is it getting during the day?

    This symptom mostly arises when the leaves are being heated by their environment faster than they’re cooled by the tree’s physiology. So it doesn’t really matter how much water is in the soil per se, just that the tree is getting too hot. It’s also possible for this to result from too much water improperly planting, trunk damage, etc.

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