Plant Clinic

What is this? How do I take care of it?

I received this as a gift from my mother a few months ago. I haven't done much to it besides replace the water when I see it's gotten low, and I've kept it on a shelf out of direct sunlight.
The leaves have pretty much stayed the same, nothing's wilted, but there also hasn't been any new growth from what I can tell.
Today I went to change the water and I noticed one of the plants (there are five individuals bundled in there) had a tiny bit of mold on a root. I separated them and washed out some roots that had turned slimy and brown and removed the moldy one, and then put it all back together (pictured here).
I guess my question is, what should I be doing differently? Is this water glass thing just a gimmick to sell pretty plants? Does it need to be put in soil? Are there too many individuals squished together?
Thanks in advance.

by bigwig_official


  1. Xenofontis

    > **Is this water glass thing just a gimmick to sell pretty plants?**

    Yes, yes, yes!! Absolutely no plant should be kept in water in a closed off jar! Narrow necked bottles and tubes should also be avoided and more gimmicks when sold. Oxygen cannot circulate through closed off vessels or narrow necks.

    >**Does it need to be put in soil?**

    Yes, yes, yes!!

    >**Are there too many individuals squished together?**

    No, they can all be planted together “as is”, in a pot that is only **SLIGHTLY** larger than the glass it is in now. Do **not** over-pot. Make sure to water often for the first few weeks as the roots adjust to the soil after being in water for months.

    Honestly not 100% sure, but it appears to be a Golden pothos.

  2. Optimal-Art-1912

    Hello, Epipremnum Aureum N’Joy i’d Say. It is a Pothos, very easy to Care for. Maybe it does not like to have its roots straight in the water. It should acclimate to the water and lose a few roots then grow some New ones in the water. I’d make sure the water is changed if some more roots started rotting. Cut the dead roots and watch your plants the next few days to see how it evolves … Hydrogèn peroxyde or isopropylic alcool diluted in water to clean Roots if necessary. Enjoy your plant 🙂🌞

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