
Spots developed overnight

Hi! I bought this plant from a grocery store a couple of months ago. Originally I kept her inside, but after splitting her into three plants I moved them outside for the summer (zone 6a). She was getting new leaves inside but they were all coming in with black edges and spots. I used a chunky soil mix with added orchid bark. I spray them with neem oil. They seemed so much happier outside and they started getting new leaves without any spots. But then overnight something happened and I woke up to the pictures below. My brand new leaf that just unrolled and another new one starting have these tiny black spots on them! This is different from the browning that was happening on my new leaves when the plant was indoors. Please help! I am open to any and all suggestions.

by trippygypsy

1 Comment

  1. ajellyfishbloom

    A pathogen took over because the roots were being kept too moist. The necrosis on new growth is a typical sign. Besides making sure that you wait long enough prior to watering, I recommend using a fungicide to treat this. Don’t use neem on this species at all.

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