San Pedro Cactus

What’s causing this kind of corking at the tip?

Those grow in a greenhouse. Some of them have this strange of corking at the tip. Any idea what's causing this ?

by Sukhena


  1. DebateZealousideal57

    That looks like what my monstrose Echinocactus does when it grows. That looks genetic to me.

  2. thefrogkid420

    some kinda insect damage, doesnt look like scale to me, i would inspect it very closely with a magnifying glass if you have one and try to find the bugs that could be doing this

  3. wtf-is-going-on2

    Looks a bit like when mine got chewed on by grasshoppers

  4. karmicrelease

    It is insect damage, but can’t say what kind since I don’t see any upon zooming in. It could be thrips since they are skinny and like to hide in between the ribs or at the tip where flesh is softest

  5. DoctorJekllz

    Mix up compost tea spray the cactus. Allow to dry repeat. After a few days use a high quality neem oil
    Looks like thrips this is the way the only natural way to

  6. I believe it is thrips. I usually mix some 70% alcohol and some water in a spray bottle (around a 2:1 ratio) and spray the tips in the night for a couple days. That usually solves the problem.

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