Indoor Garden


Got a little California palm starter kit at Walmart on sale. Didn't think it would actually grow anything, but now what? When should I move to a bigger pot? And should it be one set in each pot or? When I planted, I used two seeds lol…

by Imaginary_Crazy_1999


  1. gooberfaced

    I would give them time to become a bit more vigorous before I separated them.
    But not so much time that their roots become really entangled.

    I would wait until they have two leaves each *unless* you are very meticulous and deft, then I might do it sooner.

    Have everything prepared before you do it and never let roots dry out by letting them lie around.
    Remove that entire soil mass from the pot onto a table before you try to separate them- hopefully it will just fall apart easily.
    Don’t use too large a pot for each individual plant.
    Use a fast draining soil mix.
    A humidity dome for a few days after the job will help them make the transition more easily.

  2. Intrepid-Ad1113

    multiple in one pot is fine as they seem to be growing and healthy! Mine has four or five in the pot (it’s a mature plant but I do know they don’t mind some crowding)

    they shouldn’t need a new pot for a while, palms like to be rootbound (so you wouldn’t move it to a bigger pot until the roots start to fill up or creep out of the pot)

    I say just keep up whatever you’re doing 🙂

    edit: I would suggest make sure that pot has a drainage hole though? sometimes I’ve noticed these seed kits don’t include one with their pots and it will be more susceptible to root rot if it can’t drain properly

  3. LongjumpingNeat241

    Young tiny palm may seem lethargic, but i had trouble digging out one. The thick thread like root was a feet long.

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