Gardening Ireland

My greenhouse

Raised bed along outside for root vedg,potatoes etc, have lemon and lime trees inside for my coronas??! Grapevine also, hope to train it around inside, looking forward to planting and see how it goes πŸ˜€

by Connect_Fix_5532


  1. qwerty_1965

    Ya posh fecker! πŸ˜„ Looks lovely, be wasted in my back garden indeed it would shame my house.

  2. steoobrien

    Did you buy all the materials for this?.im thinking of building my own..

  3. only_a_blowin

    Someone is showing off.
    Beautiful job, congratulations.

  4. Astral_Atheist

    This is very, very cool and absolutely beautiful

  5. Ed-alicious

    I feel like I’ve driven past this. West Cork?

  6. Nettlesontoast

    Looks brilliant can you open the windows for ventilation?
    Mine gets upwards of 34 degrees in the height of summer even with the one window open and south facing shade cloth

    always worried someday I’ll be caught out by a heatwave with high winds at the same time and not be able to keep the door open for risk of losing the place πŸ˜…

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