Gardening Australia

New(ish) native garden bed

A few months ago I decided I wanted to switch out a majority of my yard for natives. We have a healthy population of native birds & bees in the area, plus I prefer the idea of being more waterwise come summer. This area so far is looking really great! I've always wanted my own gum tree, so with the help of a local native nursery I decided to go for it and get a micro baby orange corymbia flowering gum, which I'm super excited about! Can't wait to see this mature.

Other plants used are: eremophila nivea, eremophila subfloccosa, crowea, banksia menziesii dwarf, casuarina 'cousin it', leucophyta, fescue grasses, dianella, dwarf pig face & in the front pots I have goodenia and banksia birthday candles.

by wiggysmalls01

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