Gardening UK

This subs worst nightmare

Millions of years in the making

by testydonkey


  1. GreenBeret4Breakfast

    Just wait till the end of summer when it starts to fruit and you get all those prehistoric dinosaur eggs.

  2. testydonkey

    Not my garden just one I walk past on the way to the pub. I noticed it a few weeks ago and recognised the plant as being horsetail from this sub.

    In the last week or 2 it’s really grown out!

  3. Toykoflash

    You got some work to eradicate that.good luck..

  4. perishingtardis

    To the untrained eye it probably just looks like long grass.

  5. ashyboi5000

    If it’s good enough for Chatsworth House it’s good enough for us.

  6. chaosandturmoil

    ive never seen mares tail anywhere except on this sub.

  7. GreenFanta7Sisters

    Mares tail still makes me shiver thinking of my first house, when we didnโ€™t know any better. It came from next door ๐Ÿ˜ญ I see it growing through the tarmac in the next road along

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