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Lincoln Project Co-Founder Reveals DARK PLANS of his Former Party

This week on Burn The Boats, we are airing an episode of The Lincoln Project Podcast, in which Rick Wilson interviews Ryan Hamilton about the damage done to women and families by extreme anti-abortion laws in Texas. Ryan’s wife miscarried, and was unable to receive healthcare, leading to complications that nearly killed her.

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  1. This is so disgusting when it is all driven by power, greed and hate. Science, caring, kindness and decency has long ago left the Republican political arena and if you support any Republican by voting for them, you are also a the same caliber of hate. There is no recovery. Vote Democrat down the ticket for everyone’s rights and freedoms. Democracy is teetering on the precipice— be a part of keeping We the People at the forefront of policy.

  2. Im so sorry for how you and your wife were treated…
    Trump maga and supreme court caused all of this and i apologize for all the inhumanity

  3. Your poor wife and you can't believe the stupidity of some people I'm speaking about the doctors who don't have a heart to take care of a life & death situation. The pro-lifers are really pro-death as soon as you grow up and have an opinion against the church!!! Forgetting the life of the woman is a big bunch of b*******. I left Texas in 1979 when I needed help I made two phone calls got treated like a w****and bought a ticket to California so I can make my choice. Let's not forget politics don't belong in your house! Let's not forget it was also religion mixed with politics keep them separate vote blue vote blue!🙏🙏🙏❤💓💙💙💙💙💓🌹

  4. State legislators and insurance companies thinking they know how to practice medicine is laughable at best. They are a menace to society.

  5. God bless you. Those people that call themselves Christians are going to find out what their hate is going to get them at their pearly Gates. I truly hope Karm hits first. Im so sorry what this family had to gp through. I agree i wish all of them could go through a piece of her pain. Im sorry to get political but we have to save our country from these crazy people. VOTE BLUE PLEASE. For our children and the children to come. God help us all.

  6. As a retired Nursing Administrator,Obstetrics/Labor and Delivery,this should have not happened!Everything about this is devastating!However,Risk Management could have been notified ,had I been involved!This was a terrible and dangerous situation which could have been avoided!Texas and the Doctors need to do better!This sickens me! This is definitely a lawsuit and my prayers are with this couple and their family!Nurses have a right to report any malfeasance of a Physician,through,Risk Management !😢🥲🙏🏽🙏🏽

  7. This is what happens with a for profit healthcare system and when health procedures and people are turned into commodities and used for political gains and greed!

  8. It is paramount that doctors FULLY educate themselves on the abortion law in their state. This young women almost died because of an ignorant doctor. All the best to Ryan. his wife. and his daughter.

  9. Idaho has the same laws!! OBGYN doctors are leaving Idaho for other places that they can practice medicine and save lives!!

  10. Omg I’m so sorry you and your wife went through this tragedy. These people (REPUBLICANS AND THE SUPREME COURT) all need to be in prison for what they’ve put all these families through!!!

  11. I'm a retired acute care (hospital/ER) nurse who has seen a lot, but this story is appalling. I wish more people on the right were capable of empathy & and compassion. Almost all women who have abortions only do as a last resort to save the mother's life bc if the mother dies, the baby dies. I'm the mother of 4 & was very fortunate to have "easy" pregnancies" & deliveries. I am like most women. I wanted to get pregnant & have my children. The only one that wasn't planned was #4, who I call my bonus baby. What happened to these people is effing medical malpractice & everyone who blew her off should lose their licenses. A D & C is STANDARD PROTOCOL for anyone who has had a miscarriage, whether it was induced or not. At the very LEAST, they should have admitted her to monitor her, especially with the higher dose of misopristone. Every GOP politician who voted for this heinous law should be charged with attempted murder & every doctor who turned this couple away should no longer be allowed to practice & should be sued. I'm bawling my head off right now with equal parts sadness, horror, & rage for what this couple needlessly endured. Eff all of the GOP.

  12. This dead baby issue should not be called an abortion. It should be called a mitigation and it should be 💯 % legal in all states.

  13. Never vote CONservative/RepubliKKKan. For the rest of your life vote blue democratic because your life and your family’s life depends on it. The Repugnants are a death cult and will always be that way. For those women who vote conservative, you are truly the enemy against American women. Vote Blue please 💙💙💙

  14. This is One of The Worst True ,Trump Despicable Stories I Have Ever Heard….How Disgraceful, Trump ,MAGA,,INHUMAN ,HATEFUL SCUMS.

  15. Trump has changed us he has divided us this is not the same United States I grew up in because of trump and all the lies has caused division between me and my family and my friends and I know that trump doesn’t give a damn about us he only cares about himself we as Americans need to wake up before trump completely destroys the United States of our America the orange dude is truly EVIL

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