Gardening Australia

What is this popping up all over my raised beds? Tia

Looks like rose, no thorns

by max_keswick


  1. thisholly

    Looks like rose suckers – have you got a rose bush nearby? Species roses often sucker or it could be the rootstock coming up from a modern rose

  2. AncientSea2478

    Samsung circle search said elderberry

  3. Banyabbaboy

    If you have no other roses then this is a dog rose, a wild type spread by birds. It will develop small thorns as it grows. It’s possible that the seeds are in your mulch. Can just dig it out.

  4. Smithdude69

    I recon we’d be seeing thorns if it was a rose or a blackberry. So elderberry sounds like it could be the thing. The google app / and a bunch of plant identification apps can give a more definitive answer.

  5. Internal-Test-8015

    Roses, either you have a plant that’s suckering, or you got weedy invasive roses. The best way to tell is wait and let them bloom if you’re up for it.

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