
First Paludarium. Thoughts?

Its running for over 1 month now and the animals look healthy. However, the water in it got yellowish, like tea. Any ideas why and what to do?

by mnur53


  1. Dynamitella

    It looks great 🙂 The water is yellow because it’s touching something organic, such as the soil or wood? 🙂
    I don’t see any wood, but the soil seems very wet. If you change to something more akin to aqua soil, it can be wet but not stain the water like that.
    ps, tannins aren’t harmful, so it’s purely an aesthetic question. The neon tetras actually prefer it.

  2. Arachnid_anarchy

    Yellow brown water is usually from tannins that leech from wood, leaf litter, and other botanicals and is kind of an aesthetic choice. I’ve heard lots of anecdotal evidence that tannins in the water can be good for animals.

    As long as the water parameters are good it’s not a problem.

    It will go away with water changes and you can boil botanicals and wood before adding them to minimize the tannins if you don’t like the look

  3. No-World2849

    Great looking tank, nice stream.

    Yup, it’s tannins. Mine is the same but I went for wood scaping so it’s expected. Not harmful but beneficial for most fish. I like the look. Water changes will reduce it, activated charcoal in filter will help too.

  4. No-World2849

    If there is no wood, is there any peat in the soil? Lot’s of tannins in peat

  5. _bitchin_camaro_

    I have those same fittonias, they’re growing like weeds

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