
Fungus or too much sun?

About a week ago I noticed the leaves getting yellow, and when I turned it over today I noticed that the brown spots on the underside look like fungus. It is about 11 months old. I recently started soaking it for a few hours to water it. In the past I would rinse it off and mist it. I always let it dry thoroughly before putting it in its container. It gets direct sunlight in the morning for a few hours. This is my first air plant, it seemed to be doing well until a week ago. Did I do something wrong? Will it be okay?

by EvinKay7

1 Comment

  1. courtwilloughby

    Why did you start soaking it for a few hours. That’s a death sentence. Pull off the nasty leaves and go back to misting. Most indoor air plants will survive with misting weekly, but a few hours of direct morning sunlight is not recommended. We’ll, depending on the variety of plant. Xeric varieties can handle more direct sun than other varieties.

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