
Shame on me! I did this…

I was gifted a Euphorbia in 2002, something ate through it and it was hust a stick, but I saved it. Over the next 21 years it got huge, like a tree, I loved it. We (fam of 5) moved house last year in a big rush and this got left outside and was fine but a sudden cold snap and it got frost bitten before I could bring it in. I don't have a recent before photo but it was big. Is it worth keeping? Is there a way to help, should I chop it and replant, any suggestions or opinions would be great.

by OuterSpiralHarm

1 Comment

  1. Street_Ad5114

    I think you should let the frost bite heal and let grow another 20+ years. Some of my best caudex plants were bit by the cold. What doesn’t kill them makes them stronger. Give it a chance to make you proud again.

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