
Caught tomato robber on camera!

Caught tomato robber on camera!

by eanglsand


  1. Numerous-Stranger-81

    I think you mean “tomato seed distributor”, and you expect the poor thing to work for free?

  2. UncomfortableFarmer

    Aww what a cute lil feller. A little fencing made out of bird netting would probably be enough to keep him out. At least you’re not dealing with a rat, those can get through pretty much anything 

  3. shoodBwurqin

    look how much that thing enjoys that food! that possum is more appreciative then some people when I give them a delicious tomato that took over 70 days to make.

  4. jaaaaayke

    I have fabric pots, and something ate a 2″ hole in the side the night I fertilized my pots. I have deer, birds, rabbits. None of those made sense. I’m curious if it was this little asshole.

  5. jellyrollo

    Adorable little robber! I’ve been feeding my resident possum mangoes, currently on deep discount at the supermarket. So far it’s distracted him from the tomatoes. I’m also using cayenne pepper and organza fabric bags to discourage him from monching. The cayenne is something of a deterrent, but so far the organza bags are working better than anything else, silly as they look.

  6. blorkist

    Opossums may take as many of my tomatoes as they want. They don’t transmit rabies and they eat a huge number of ticks. I would rather have ten of them over one squirrel. Squirrels are what usually get my tomatoes, and they dig up all my plants to shove acorns everywhere.

  7. ElectricTomatoMan

    I’ll share with her. As long as she eats the whole thing instead of taking half a bite and then dropping it like a squirrel.

  8. Ploppyun

    Love my possum on my cam every night. Named her Pammy.

  9. No-Tangelo-3220

    At least he enjoys the whole tomato. Squirrels take one bite then drop and repeat.

  10. FranceBrun

    A treat which is well deserved by anyone who removes so many ticks and other insects from my yard! And he seems to really be enjoying it!

  11. Getigerte

    Aww, look at it smacking its lips and just enjoying the heck out of that tomato! 🥰

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