
Our dining area – can you see “the issue”…?

Our dining area – can you see “the issue”…?

by mrfoilhat


  1. Yeah, there’s a huge table taking up valuable plant space!

  2. CCFMethodMan

    What direction does this room face? 🥵

  3. garbles0808

    The fact that I can still see the dining room table?

    Or are you referring to the pilea?

  4. Suspicious-Service

    Chinese money plant needs fertilizer i believe, and not sure what’s wrong with the rubber tree, but im concerned about the wavy looking leafs.

  5. Ericaonelove

    Your plants are so amazing! Great work!

  6. aIvins_hot_juicebox

    Gettin a healthy dose of oxygen during mealtimes

  7. Agreeable-Product-28

    Absolutely in love with the two Crassula ovata’s I can see. Trimmed and shaped gorgeously! Really like the vibe you have going in there!

  8. WalterMelons

    Started looking for a cat that could be the issue. I see no issue here.

  9. disenfranchisedchild

    You probably need more plants in there. You need to trade the dining table and chairs for some floor pillows and low tables that have pull out shelves so when they’re covered in plants you’ll still have a little shelf to put your drink on. Adding lots of mirrors will help bounce the light around so that you can take advantage of every growing space, including hanging plants from the ceiling.


  10. ConstantConfusion123

    Too much space. Needs more plants!

  11. Confident-Ruin-4111

    How many people live in this space? I bet you could get a smaller table and less chairs and add more plants 🙂 🌱

  12. Helping_Stranger

    There is nothing wrong with this small forest. Kinda weird to see a table out in nature though

  13. PeriodicallyThinking

    Hey OP love the room, are you able to point me in the direction of the shelf you have in the back left? Thanks

  14. Sutureanchor

    It’s beautiful 😍 I would love to invite myself for breakfast 😋

  15. TK_Sleepytime

    Well everyone looks to be well-fed in the dining room so I see no issue here.

  16. Severe-Lime-254

    The shelves in the back are kinda bare.

  17. alienabduction1473

    I see room for some hanging planters.

  18. opinionated_monkey_

    The issue is that this is your house and not mine, lol

    But in all seriousness, this looks amazing! Although, I would say maybe add a couple more plants to the stand in the back to give it a fuller look.

  19. sdrawkcabnipyt

    Yeh it’s way too small for all the plants it still needs

  20. Beautiful! I see no issue here. What’s the deal w the growth of the pilea in the middle back wall? Is that a cool pot or just how it grew? Looks awesome.

  21. Old-Piccolo-553

    I see chairs where two tall plants can be. Do you *really* need a place to sit? 🤣

  22. Ill-Construction-871

    I wish it was my dining area I love greenery it gives everything a healthy atmosphere this is awesome and I don’t see anything wrong with this maybe if you have pets cats would be all over this

  23. hellbilly709

    Too many open surfaces. Need moar plants.


  24. Curious, are those chairs effective for not scratching wood floors? They look like they are.

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