
How to get oak leaf creeping fig to grow in a vivarium?

Creeping fig I have no issue with, but my oak leaf creeping figs die whenever I put them in enclosures. The photo was taken just after putting the plants in, so far about all the leaves are yellow. I spray the sphagnum moss it’s in every other day but it’s still dying so I’m not sure what I did wrong.

It’s a cutting I took from a larger OLCF, but the larger one struggles too, so I had it in a 1 gallon jar (no holes) by a window with a white curtain in between.

by Comet_Honey


  1. Own_Door_9755

    Try getting the cutting to root outside or under a brighter light.

  2. NoNeighborhood1703

    Or put roots in sphagnum moss, then place in the enclosure. It sponges the water better

  3. briskaloe

    I couldn’t grow ficus pumila in my crested tank, it just wasnt humid enough. You can try planting it’s roots in sphagnum and keeping it moist at all times. It really needs constant moisture to thrive.

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