
Wow. Will the tree win?

Forget a mound of mulch. Let's stone it in!!!

Spotted in Dallas suburb. Sorry pic isn't great. Was driving by and just snapped a quick pic from the curb out my window with my jaw hanging open. Is this a thing?

by cmitc7308


  1. docdillinger

    If it falls on the house it might book that as a win.

  2. kronikfumes

    “Why is my tree dying?!” – the owners in the near future

  3. Burnittothegound

    Whether or not the tree wins depends upon the direction of the specific gust of wind that takes it down within 1-4 years. Everyone already lost, the question is now how much the tree gets to take with it as revenge.

  4. DanOfMan1

    wow, from the first photo it looked like a small landscape tree but the second slide made me sad

    that property is gonna lose 3/4 of its charm when the tree finally gives out

  5. Itsnotme74

    The tree is more than likely fucked, the only question left is how much damage will it do. Hate to admit it but I’m hoping for it to come straight down on the house and their insurance voiding the claim due to stupidity.

  6. IllustriousArcher199

    Hopefully it falls on the house

  7. F_ur_feelingss

    Why exactly would kill tree? Rot at cement? Risk of disease?

  8. No-Let6178

    I bet the stone surround was added when this was a very mature already. The only thing the tree will eventually do, is push the stone outwards as it ages, cuz growth up at the trunk is less than growing out at this level.

  9. Financial_Athlete198

    You should post the address so everyone can send a free copy of some tree care advice.

  10. How to kill a tree and $10,000 with the intent of ultimately making the house look as bad as possible. Can you imagine trying to jackhammer that ring of concrete? There has to be a story behind this.

  11. Airport_Wendys

    I bet this was done on purpose as some sort of contrarian move. Like, they wanted to cut down the tree and were told not to by the hoa or something, so they did this to kill it? I dunno. Yikes

  12. Natural-Crow-2922

    The base will start cracking within a year.

  13. Sweaty-Pizza

    Just look at the raise in the ground that is the tree winning already hope that your utilities and sewage pipes are not in the way

  14. plainnamej

    Sure is a shame that the centerpiece of the entire .24 acre lot is going to fall on the house

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