Houseplants Circle Jerk

Finally! My forever plant 😍

It’s me and her forever. Till death do us part ☠️.

by SleepyXander


  1. kirleson

    Look out for that group down there getting ready to break in and steal your precious baby! 😱😱😱

  2. ggfdvhjknbvv

    i love when people post these acting all high and mighty about how beautiful their plant is, commentors say how its gonna die, then they mega cope

  3. VeggieBurgerandChips

    I can fix her. She only does this to me because she cares.

  4. roseremdreams

    “and I only paid $899.99 for her! It was meant to be!!!”

  5. _AliApple

    nearly had an aneurism then I read the sub name

  6. Hymura_Kenshin

    I was sure I would see thisbhere if I scroll long enough

  7. Dufensmartzz

    to be fair the person who posted this had no idea they’d been scammed it’s honestly a bummer

  8. ToiletSuccs

    That’s incredible!!! No wonder you have an audience for that STUNNER 😍😍😍

  9. Independent-Wafer-13

    Okay but in all seriousness, what the heck happened to this plant? It otherwise looks healthy but is clearly doomed due to lack of chlorophyll? Is it like a genetic defect?

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