Plant Clinic

I just bought her, how can I help her??

I bought her from a grocery store and noticed the cuts and holes, how do I help her? I believe it is a variegated baby rubber plant, and since I literally bought it 5 minutes ago I don’t have a water routine for it yet but it was in a east facing window in the store! Please help!

by kayjo116


  1. Such-Interaction-648

    Pluck the leaves with the cuts and holes off. 

    They’re not going to heal and it’s likely physical damage from handling in shipping or at the store so if you manage to not damage the leaves from now on then they’re not gonna come back. 

    If you really want to be thorough you can take the plant out of the pot and check its roots for any sign of neglect— rootbound or rot are really common. But it looks pretty healthy so I would just water it when it gets dry and wait until you see any actual issues to start freaking out

  2. mmicko1967

    Those brown spots are oedema,very common on peperomia. Be careful with watering, they like to dry out between waterings. Check the soil either with your finger, wooden chopstick or a moisture meter.

  3. Right-Try-7127

    I’ve had one for years and while it hasn’t died or anything…. it’s barely grown. I checked multiple times in the first few years that it was still alive because of how slow mine grows.

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