Native Plant Gardening

My milkweed patch was deemed acceptable!

A few weeks ago a monarch visited the milkweed patch I've been working for almost 2 years to clear of invasives and repopulate with natives. Today, I saw a monarch caterpillar munching away! I am beyond thrilled that my efforts have been deemed acceptable by at least one monarch! Godspeed, little guy!

(Swallowtail and bumblebee included because they're more frequent visitors in my yard and garden and it makes me happy that I can make this a good space for them!)

by ReijaTheMuppet


  1. weird-oh

    They keep turning their noses up at mine. If they even have noses.

  2. sassergaf


    Your performance has been deemed successful to support life!

  3. Fine-Winter9833

    Excellent work! Its amazing to see life returning to a landscape

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