
Hello everyone, is this trident maple worth 75 euros? Please let me know if this can’t be posted here.

Hello everyone, is this trident maple worth 75 euros? Please let me know if this can’t be posted here.

by CounterTechnical3222


  1. thebigbadme

    That looks great, I could see myself buying something like this

  2. Backuppedro

    65-80. I would offer 65 and go from there

  3. i_Love_Gyros

    Pretty big wound there but also great taper. I don’t buy bonsai so I’m not a good gauger on price but this has some pretty great potential and looks like it’s had some root reduction too which gets it way more bonsai ready.

    Overall a great pickup and I don’t think that’s an unreasonable cost considering plenty of landscape trees you’d use cost that much anyway

  4. itisoktodance

    Looks about right for the price. Tridents aren’t cheap

  5. namethatisclever

    I would snag it in a heartbeat for that price. Tons of potential there in my opinion.

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