
What the hell 😀

Listen, to say that I was shocked when I saw this 60cm leaf is like saying the sun is a small, lukewarm and insignificant ball of air.
I almost ran away, screaming, because I couldn’t recognize this BEAST of a plant. But then I remembered, that this was my sweet, little child.

One month ago I transferred my Tandurusa from pon to soil (last pic right after repot). The Lechuza planter was full of roots.

Since the beginning of summer my plant has been sucking up the sunlight, like it was her last day on earth. Eventually, she grew this massive leaf. 45cm wide and 60cm long. I can’t even imagine how massive the next leaf is going to be. I guess I’ll have to sell my bed now.

Note: Look how pathetic that pot looks. When I just repotted my plant in this pot one month ago, it looked comically large compared to the plant. Now look at that.

by I_eat_houseplants


  1. SupTheChalice

    I’m getting one soon. It’s on its way. This is very encouraging because most of what I hear is how difficult they are. But omg I love them. I have to try

  2. Your thumb is greener than mother nature’s –

    Congratulations, it’s absolutely beautiful … I literally got myself one last Friday and, it’s just a tiny first leaf corm… I wonder how many years it’ll take to get so huge🫣

  3. thebeatnikbeauty

    Wait you went from pon to soil? I never hear of this!!! But listen, I have many alocasias thriving in pon… but miss Jacklyn ain’t one of em! I have one in pon who is struggling to put out a new leaf, taking forever… the tip just popped out (so she’ll have 2 tiny leaves). My other one is in soil and has three leaves, just put out a huge one. I’m thinking this one alocasia might thrive best in soil. Otherwise it’s due to being a heavy feeder and if you have in pon you need to step up the fertilizer. I was told to add calmag which I do have so maybe I’ll try that for my one in pon. I fertilize the soil one too though

  4. GodwitTrader

    This is gorgeous!!! Yes, you need to sell your bed to make more room for this baby. 😁

  5. Idk_nor_do_I_care

    I’m sorry, it grew this big in a month, is that what I’m reading?? What The HELL?! Howww??

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