
Bought this for $130. It says to water 2x a week. Any other tips so I don’t kill them?

Bought this for $130. It says to water 2x a week. Any other tips so I don’t kill them?

by Sofiaaa_v


  1. Available-Sun6124

    First tip is to forget that twice-a-week schedule. It’s essentially impossible to say how often plant should be watered because amount of water plant uses depends on myriad of environmental factors like light, humidity, temperature, soil mix, pot style/material etc…

    In general *Ficus lyrata* wants consistency. Making changes to it’s environment stresses them, and *Ficuses* in general react to stress by dropping their leaves.

  2. mailmangirl

    Something I learned to take seriously with FLF – never move it. And only water it once the soil has gone bone dry. Then drench the soil until next time. Don’t follow all the silly contradicting, conflicting advise from across Google. Dont move it. Water only when dry. Oh, and they get hella spider mites so check for those regularly.

  3. Well, first, understand that this plant was grown in perfect conditions. Your apartment is not perfect conditions so be prepared to lose some leaves.

    Second get a moisture reader from Amazon, they’re like seven bucks. Water when the plant needs it.

    Don’t expose direct sunlight, or do so very gradually.

    If you haven’t repotted it, do so while it’s still in its transitional phase. it probably needs new – nutrient rich soil. Start manually fertilizing after 4 months.

  4. Imaginary_Donkey_590

    Don’t water till it’s bone dry.

  5. DidYouDye

    Use filtered water!!!! You can condition water with fish tank drops if you don’t have filtered water

  6. radiantflux209

    Eventually it will be good to separate them into their own pots so they don’t complete w one another.

  7. HicoCOFox-

    2x a week is probably too much- use a water meter or stick and let it dry between thorough watering

  8. brdesignguy

    Ive totally given up on growing FLF properly that I bought a fake one. It’s the only fake plant in own

  9. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. This will help prevent root rot. Make sure your plant is placed in an area with enough sunlight for its specific needs. Make sure the soil is dry to the touch before watering again. Consider misting the plant or using a moisture tray to create more moist environment. Watch out for pests that may damage your plant, such as spider mites or aphids. If you notice anything, take immediate action to resolve the problem.

  10. Ok so most times I bring a new plant like this indoors from its lovely place from a greenhouse or grow house it will drop leaves. If it’s still warm where you are then slowly acclimate it to low humidity indoor life. You will have a much better looking plant I promise. First week only keep it indoors 1-2 separate days and increase each week over a month. Outside just put it in a garage or shady spot

  11. McDumbly88

    I had gotten a very large one last year and I made the mistake of repotting. Dropped all its leaves, would not recommend. I chopped the main branch in half and it reacclimatized and came back to life thankfully.

  12. TheLoadedGoat

    Congrats! You are in for an adventure! This baby is so popular it has its own subreddit! Join us at r/fiddleleaffig!

  13. captaincumragx

    I have one but now Im afraid to give you advice. Everybody is so much more detailed with their plant routine, all my plant homies get watered once a week on the same day haha. My moms been keeping plants my whole life and that’s how she always did it!

  14. gassygeff89

    Emotionally steel yourself for when the leaves start to fall off.

  15. wudnot-9149

    Hm, the leaves are turned in a way that I think it wants more light.

  16. Active_Recording_789

    Mine is doing really well and growing a lot. I didn’t know not to move it—about every two weeks I water it by heaving it outside into the rain barrel and flooding the pot. Then I let it drain and put back in the sun room. Sometimes I drag it out on the deck when it’s raining to get showered off. It has outgrown its pot and needs a bigger one though—I bet when I transplant it is when it’s going to drop leaves and get sad looking

  17. SadLilBun

    I just accept that I will probably kill it. I have a fake FLF because they’re extremely temperamental.

  18. its_for_microscopy

    Oddly enough, my FLF has survived moving to like 4 different cities in the last 5 years. Moved across the country with it twice. It’s lived inside and outside in the heat/humidity. Has never dropped leaves. I might water it once a week.

    You’ll figure out what it needs/wants if you listen. Mine prefers neglect and traveling lol

  19. kaanapalikid

    I think water my fig every 3 weeks or month and I have a 9 foot tall healthy boy that is 8 years old.. I have gone by the soil test. Stick your whole finger deep into the soil and if it’s bone dry, water it.

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