Gardening UK

Any idea what this is ?

Just seen this growing in the woods out my back gate …is it poisonous ?

by Glad_Beach5329


  1. AromaticFee9616

    Lords and Ladies plant – poisonous and causes allergic reactions if not handled with care.

  2. Lords and ladies, poisonous yes, not extremely, just pull them out they will come out easily enough.

  3. Glad_Beach5329

    thankyou for your answers …it looks nasty

  4. Due-Frosting-5611

    The Berries are really poisonous.

    Dead before it gets to your stomach, and with a lot of pain.

    So I was told in a fairly recent bushcrafting session…

  5. BronwynnSayre

    Lords and Ladies, poisonous. Not deadly to most, like another poster has said, but to some. It’ll cause breathing problems and upset stomach if you eat it. Less poisonous than laburnum and yew. Not good for pets. Careful about pulling it up if the woods aren’t yours.

  6. Spirited-Push-6533

    Braved getting the ball back yet?

  7. MothEatenMouse

    People are being quite melodramatic. They can be deadly if you eat enough of them and then don’t go see a medical professional when you have burning and swelling.

    Don’t eat random berries that you don’t know what they are and you’ll be fine.

    It’s a beautiful native plant. Enjoy it 🙂

  8. Early-Astronaut8418

    It’s Willy Wonka’s Red Berry Surprise.

  9. I removed all of mine, they’re quite invasive and spread everywhere.

  10. RestMelodic

    I ate one ‘berry’ when I was about 10. Boy did it taste vile and burning but I was fine after a few hours.
    I don’t recommend eating random berries 🤣

  11. Check_your_6

    Wild arum, cuckoopint, arum maculatum.

    Yeah so what it’s poisonous ☠️ and what plant isn’t?? Most plants if you eat enough of are gonna give you grief, take foxglove – digitalis, take enough it kills you, have a heart condition, it saves you. And same can be said for a lot of U.K. plants.

    There is a very low chance of getting seriously ill from this plant a) it looks nasty, sends a warning, do you ever see wildlife eating it? b) the berries taste horrible so you are likely to spit them out before ingesting a significant enough amount to do damage c) the sap is an irritant and can burn but that’s all, mild damage that you will be aware of very quickly d) just in case, never forage anything lower than your knee – animals do pee e) I am willing to bet most people have more poisonous or likely to damage you plants in their back garden.

    Enjoy it’s a part of nature and if you dig up everything toxic in your garden there would be no roses, no poppies, no foxgloves etc 👍👍👍

  12. According_Judge781

    They’re snozzberries!! They taste like snozzberries!!

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