Plant Clinic

Monstera under leaves are turning yellow. Why?

Monstera under leaves are turning yellow. Why?

by EMS_sauer


  1. ccoffeeking

    Plants like monstera will sometimes deliberately drop smaller, lower leaves and instead focus on the larger ones and new growth. Your plant looks healthy!

  2. Emergency-Ad-3037

    They are just old and tiny. The plant doesn’t need them anymore. Just cut them off

  3. Caring_Cactus

    Did you recently change anything related to the plant’s care and environment?

  4. AWonderingWizard

    On a side note, just so you are aware, there are many monstera in this pot

  5. Technical-Ad-5522

    No info to go off of… Light, water, frequency of watering, drainage, temp?

    Here’s what I look for:

    Droopy/wilting leaves but not brown, thirsty plant

    Leaves turning light green but not browning, needs nutrients and/or not enough sunlight.

    Leaves not really drooping but turning yellow and base looks like its rotting, over watering.

    Browning leaves with good sun and water and drainage could be sunburn. Even some cacti like aloe don’t enjoy direct sun.

    See any form of dust/webs with yellowing leaves, pests.

    plants tell us what they need. I only water mine when I see some droopiness. I have no drainage in my plants but I only water when they need it. The roots never sit in wet dirt long.

    *Monsteras prefer indirect sun and not a lot of water. Again, you’ll see some drooping when it’s thirsty if you’re worried about over watering.

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