
27 year old, 92″ euphorbia trigona that my mom won at an auction last week as a gift for my gf.

Won it for $46 including the 18% buyers premium. We talked a bit with the owners who were moving to a smaller house and couldn't keep it. It had been a gift to them from the fantasy artist Greg Hildebrandt! We cut it down to a size that would fit in my van (~6'), and drove it home through the heart of pretty much the worst storm I've ever driven through. Some of the sections of road that we got it home on yesterday are literally gone today. Pop in to r/connecticut right now and you'll see what I mean. Worth it, it was a bona fide adventure of a day.

by zensnapple


  1. SnooGoats1950

    That’s a great one!

    How much do you estimate it weighs?

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