African Violets

Help with African violet

This is my first African violet plant, my other plants are doing well and the live in my balcony, recently I noticed the flowers turned brown, I just thought maybe they were dying and new ones would bud.

It’s been raining like crazy so I also thought maybe it was getting too much water. I brought it indoors for the time to see if that helps. It looks fairly healthy otherwise. Any advice?

by Flaky-Gazelle


  1. spilt_cow_juice_

    The flowers will die eventually. It’ll take a bit before new ones start to form. As long as you’re watering them correctly and they’re in bright indirect light you’ll see blooms again.

  2. Plantaehaulic

    I find flowers fade much faster during warm weather. They will go trough same cycle as other flowering plants. Grooming old and spent blooms is needed. Just snap the stem from the base side to side it will come off easily.

  3. Low_Committee1250

    Remove the dead flowers by wiggling the stems till they fall off.

  4. RedJustice86

    Flowers turn brown as they die. They do last quite a while but not as long as orchid flowers. I saw you mentioned that you had it outside. Violets are more of a houseplant. They will not survive below the 60s or above the 90s and don’t like direct sun. It’s best to keep it inside in a window that gets indirect sunlight or under a light source.

    For more comprehensive growing advice you can look at the violets 101 section on the African Violet Society of America website.

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