
There’s something about hand-shredding cardboard that feels so therapeutic

Just started composting this summer. Made a huge green dump today so had to restock the browns. 4-5 gallons of fresh cardboard!!

by burkey_timeee


  1. eastern_phoebe

    I also love hand-shredding cardboard! My only problem is that I’m obsessed with removing all the inked bits (printed logos etc) because I’m not sure if they’re lead-based ink. If I could get past this, the shredding would be a lot more fun!

  2. RedLightHive

    I taught a lesson on building a DIY vermicompost habitat for home food scrap processing to a group of 5-11 year olds at summer camp this summer. For the first time, I explained that the shredding paper portion of the labor can be therapeutic and/or help release feelings of frustration. The kids chose what they wanted to do and split up into different working groups. More wanted to shred the paper than select worms for the new bin, which was a first in my experience with this lesson plan! We had such a fun time making the habitat from repurposed household materials, and bonus: I gave the new bin we made to a neighbor who wanted a plug-and-play household worm system, without being spendy. Everyone is happy 😎 Composting is for everyone 🪱

  3. Solomon044

    You have become one with the compost process.

  4. iwouldhugwonderwoman

    Yep…plus the correlation between hand strength and aging makes it not only good for your mental health but physical health as well.

  5. toxicshock999

    This just inspired me to bring in my cardboard to shred while I watch TV

  6. Beneficial-Potato-82

    I feel the same way about putting it through my shredder! I really enjoy shredding things lol. Anyway we can get it done

  7. dadydaycare

    Trigger finger due to a chisel cutting my tendon… I hate ripping cardboard but it’s a necessary evil

  8. clvrusernombre

    It’s a practice in mindfulness for sure

  9. Ineedmorebtc

    Soak it first for an incredibly easy time.

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