Gardening Australia

Weeds or not?

I recently moved into a house with a tropical type front garden. These plants started popping up a couple weeks ago – are they weeds? Or something the previous owners planted which are sprouting?

by FizzyLizzy29


  1. If it’s a tropical garden, it could be some sort of lilly or orchid? Will have to wait for someone else to chime in

  2. Lillys, they will flower, look great for a while and spend 3 months looking awful. You could carefully dig them up now and pot them up then stash them away after flowering.

  3. Asiatic Lillies of some description, _Lillium auratum_ or closely related.

    Improperly removed by previous owners, the bulb will resprout a few times until it dies. If you want them gone, I’d suggest digging them out or cut to ground level and apply neat glyphosate to the stump promptly.

  4. crikeywotarippa

    Want it there? Plant
    Don’t want it there? Weed

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