Plant Identification

Was gifted this in a bouquet

Hi there, I got given this plant, which at the time just looked like a stick, in a bouquet of flowers (now dead). It started growing roots and shooting out shoots as well as opening up what I think are flowers. The photos are from today, about 1 month after being put in water. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, and I want to plant it outside but I'd like to make sure it is native to Aotearoa. Thank you!

I had issues when originally uploading this, so this is a copy buy with pictures 🙂

by kettle_juice_


  1. FrogConjurer

    Looks like a willow branch, not positive

  2. ohdearitsrichardiii

    They’re called “pussy willow”, there are several species. The genus is *Salix*, which grows all over Eurasia but I don’t think there are any native to NZ. They’re very popular as ornamental shrubs in parks and gardens so you can probably find lots of them anyway

    Salix roots easily, so much that you can use crushed Salix twigs as rooting agents when you propagate in water

  3. Justfumingdaily

    It seems to be Salix Caprea  the common pussy willow. Its a native to pretty much all of Europe, and of great benefit to wildlife. 

  4. rabid_boater

    Pussy willow…. had them around my grandparents place. Very pretty in the spring when they bud like that.

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