Plant Clinic

Please help me to save plants of my boyfriend’s late mother. It hurts me they are dying, and I feel helpless. I want to preserve her memory for him.

Please help me to save plants of my boyfriend’s late mother. It hurts me they are dying, and I feel helpless. I want to preserve her memory for him.

by kaarifey


  1. From the photos the only thing struggling is the orchid in the first picture. Is it in a loose, coarse bark? If so soak the entire thing in water for 30 min. Or is it in potting soil? If so, it likely got root rot and that is annoying to fix as a beginner.

    To take care of something, first you have to know what they are. Then look up their requirements.

    Other than the orchid, the rest seem to be doing fine. The cactuses could use some direct sun I suppose.

  2. ohdearitsrichardiii

    Only the !orchid is dying. The others are happy they’re not being watered to death. Follow the care tips in the comment below mine

  3. Dlatywya

    I’m sorry for your and your boyfriend’s loss.

    I inherited the plants of a dear friend who was also an accomplished (degree in landscape design) gardener. Those plants started me on my love of plants, but I had a steep learning curve.

    If you have a lot and some you are struggling with, contact her friends to see if they would like one to remember her by. I’m the grim reaper of orchids and all are now thriving in the homes of people who appreciate them. You don’t have to do it all.

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