
Begonia loosing leaves


I need help. I've had this Begonia for several months; it was a gift from my grandmother, who kept it at her house. Since she's very old now and can't take care of it, she gave it to me (I'm not sure how long she had it).

At first, it was at my parents' house, in a sunroom where it got direct sunlight for a few hours but generally had a lot of natural light.

Then it came to my house, into the living room, in a spot where it received a lot of direct sunlight. My roommate suggested moving it to an area in the living room with less direct light, so we moved it.

Since it arrived at my house, it's been losing leaves, but I think it's been happening much faster since we moved it to the spot with less light. It has almost no leaves left, and it makes me really sad. The soil seems moist, so I was thinking of transplanting it and adding 25% perlite, but I'm not sure if that's ideal. The terracotta pieces in the pot are there because at my house, the dogs eat the soil (lol), and my dad puts those in to prevent it.

I would really appreciate any help since it's a beautiful family keepsake.

by Common-Employee-7453

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