Native Plant Gardening

Glad to see my meadow doesn’t have to start from absolute zero

I'm not a botanist, but I'm pretty sure this is purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). It's interesting, and encouraging, to see that these grow in the absolute harshest part of our property nutrition- and seawater-wise.

Any tips on how to help this spread? Cut it once the seeds are ripe? Leave it be? Shake it vigorously?

by ThursdaysWithDad


  1. Redwhisker

    Are you in the US? If so, this is a very invasive species

  2. Icy-Conclusion-3500

    Nice to see! Also ashamed to admit I did not know your country existed 😅 it looks like a beautiful place!

  3. Sir_Remington1294

    No everything is clear once you look for your location and stuff. I think there is just a lot of us from North America where this is very invasive. And I find unless you’re actually searching where the poster is from, it’s kind of hard and we just tend to assume it’s North American. It is actually a pretty nice flower in its native habitat.

  4. SecondCreek

    It was interesting as an American visiting northern Germany a number of years ago and seeing purple loosestrife in its native environment where it was behaving nicely.

    Unfortunately in the US it is a very aggressive invasive plant that creates monocultures. Even the beetles imported to eat the plants didn’t make much of an impact.

  5. Ha. Did I inspire this talking about Michigan on your last post?

    This is absolutely Purple Loosestrife because I have cut down a hell of a lot of it in the last months.

  6. Asplesco

    So weird to see that where it’s supposed to be

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