Gardening UK

Cant seem to nourish this Blueberry – I’ve tried seaweed and rose/shrub feed (high in potassium and magnesium.) its a little root bound but think I need to transplant it in autumn. Any ideas welcome!

Cant seem to nourish this Blueberry – I’ve tried seaweed and rose/shrub feed (high in potassium and magnesium.) its a little root bound but think I need to transplant it in autumn. Any ideas welcome!

by Middleclasstonbury


  1. It looks very healthy – I guess it’s not fruiting? Yeah, pot it up a in late winter/early spring and see what it does next year. The blueberry season is over, at least for me.

  2. BeautifulOutside321

    I have 3 blueberries in pots and this year none has fruited at all, I put it down to our really strange weather pattern this year, but they should be in ericaous soil, so I’m going to top them up with that later

  3. plant-cell-sandwich

    Rain water only, ericaceous compost, perhaps a little daily song?

  4. WhyWontYouHelpMe

    Blueberries need acidic soil, try ericaceous compost and feed and make sure you only water with rain water not tap water. When mine were in the ground (clay soil) they really struggled. Then when I moved to pots and used ericaceous compost and feed they fruited.
    I think they only fruit on older stems, so the previous years growth.
    However there are some years that are weird, had it in pot for 4 summers now, 3 of them were great, tons of fruit. Last year practically nothing and then this one absolutely loads so it may just be an off year.

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