
Leaves turning yellow?

Out of no where I have had some leaves near the base of my plan and then some leaves down the vine turn yellow, or have yellow patches. Any ideas why? I’m worried I’m losing tons of leaves!

by va2tky


  1. FirefighterMore4084

    Most likely over watering, and or a non well draining soil holding in the water too long. To get the best results I’d recommend chop and prop, because those yellow leaves are irreversible and will fall off, leaving you with many bare spots

  2. Admirable_Werewolf_5

    Personally when mine was like this I just cut it back shorter and it came back bushier. You want to cut it before a node, preferably at a spot where you see the little roots coming out if it has them. That part you keep moist and can get roots from that.

    I put mine in orchid mix (it was a mixture of bark, soil, and coconut coir, and added perlite and more bark) in a well draining put so i can thoroughly water and let it dry out in between. 🙂

    The yellow leaves won’t kill it at all, but they will die off, so I cut mine back to a few short arms which made it a lot bushier 🙂

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