African Violets

Self wicking set up ok?

This is my first time owning African violets and I did the classic beginner thing where I bought those fancy cute African violet pot sets… And then I proceeded to drown them 🤦‍♀️ I was advised that bottom watering/wicking and more breathability is the way to go so I have switched them to terracotta with a wicking system. I wanted to check in if this is the right way to do this because I really do like these plants! I know one of them is super rough looking but it does have a plantlet so I'm hoping that the baby plant will survive fingers crossed

by liriodendronbloom


  1. im_a_pimp

    i can’t see the soil on the right but on the left looks too dense for wicking. try a 50/50 perlite soil mix or 33/33/33 soil perlite vermiculite

  2. nancyy604

    I would separate the plantlet because the mother plant looks completely rotted. If the plantlet has no roots, put it in a bag, container or dome and new roots should form. I would add more perlite to your mix if you are doing self wicking. I would also remove all the blooms when I repot so the plant can use its energy on the roots and leaves. Also, removing some of the lower leaves would be good since its older/ yellow.

    If this was my plant, I would remove a lot of the lower leaves/ leaves that don’t look too good, remove the blooms, and pot it up in the smaller pot.

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