
Looking for advice from other P. tortum owners…

I've had this tortum over a year now, since it was a little plug. It gets supplemental light and some indirect bright light from a big window. The soil is heavy on the orchid bark and perlite to help with drainage and air flow. I only water about once every two weeks. There is a humidifier that keeps it between 50 – 80% humidity.

A few months ago, a lot of its oldest leaves which were mostly unlobed or the first tiny lobed leaves, all turned yellow at once (the last picture is from that event.) After that, it stopped yellowing and kept all its larger leaves. I figured it must have just felt ready to discard its baby leaves, I rarely see older tortums with leaves that small so I figured they'd shrivel off at some point. I still checked the roots as gently as I could anyway, and while it had less roots than I expected, they looked healthy.

But this week one of oldest lobed leaves has yellowed and another is showing signs of starting to yellow. How worried should I be that something is wrong? The new leaf emerging looks perfectly healthy but I'm panicking a bit with two more leaves dying off. What's your experience with tortums? Did this happen to you? Any suggestions would be great.

by SonoraBee

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