Fiddle Leaf Fig

How to get bigger leaves on my figgy

First time fiddle leaf fig dad. Seems relatively healthy, but the leaves seem small compared to all of the others I see posted. Stem seems much thicker than most I’ve seen, but I assume that’s a good thing?

It’s situated on my balcony outside and gets a fair amount of sun. I try not to over water it but it’s quite possible I do sometimes.

Any advice on getting it to grow bigger leaves? It’s just popping out these tiny guys left and right

by xcalthrower

1 Comment

  1. dj_kilrock

    Hmmmmm are you fertilizing? It looks so healthy and if it’s getting that much light, I can’t think of why the leaves would be popping out smaller and smaller. How long have you had her? What does the root ball look like?

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