What's this plant

Am I tripping?

I had a bit of a issue here. I was trying to tell my boss that we have a bit of a poison ivy issue in one of the building while using the 1st pic(I assume is a creeper of sort) as a way to show what isnt poison ivy but she is fully confident that I'm incorrect to the point she yanked one of the plants in the 2nd/3rd picture to prove a point. So….is she right or not?

by FlyingBroBat


  1. TedTheHappyGardener

    Asiatic jasmine, Trachelospermum asiaticum and Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Not Poison ivy, no. Edit: The other two photos are Poison ivy.

  2. land2re4m

    The first photo is Virginia creeper and periwinkle. The second and third pictures are both poison ivy.

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