
What kind of tomato is this?

Got these from the farmers market and forgot to take note what kind of tomato this beauty is. Does anyone know?!

by DramaticTreacle9321


  1. AffectionateLeg1970

    There’s multiple tomatoes that can look like this so it’s impossible to really say, but I’d say pineapple is a really good guess.

  2. Isotope_Soap

    I’d love a slice for a toasted BLT 😋


    My hillbilly potato leaf and pineapple ones look just like this. But it would be something else, there’s tons of varieties out there

  4. boneologist

    That is Northern Lights, *Cannabis indica.*

  5. PaymentHaunting9752

    It’s the kind of tomato in need of bacon, lettuce & toasted buttermilk bread slathered in mayo.

  6. Virginiasings

    Looks like my Big Rainbow Tomatos I grew this year!

  7. printerparty

    Both size, color and pattern look just like German Striped!

    ETA – I agree with others who say it looks like Pineapple, both are super similar! I’ve not grown gold medal myself, but from pictures I’d say they usually look more round, smooth and uniform shaped than German striped and pineapple, these are usually big and sometimes fasciated, with a more classic heirloom appearance. All three are the same color when cut open

    ETAA – if it’s not too late, you should save some seeds!

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