Fiddle Leaf Fig


I just got this from nursery 3 days ago. I live in Singapore that constantly hot and humid.

On first day, I made mistake I put it outdoor under direct sunlight, more on morning sun that is strongest. I add fertiliser about 2 tablespoon. I did water it too.
the brownish, is it due to sun exposure or over watering? what about the one turning white and crispy?

On second day, after i see browning of leaves, I move it under indirect sun, still outdoor. I pruned the browning leaves. However, this morning (3rd day), I get this in picture, practically happened overnight. The soil is not damp – tested by putting my finger into the soil. it is slight moist. Shoudl I water it?

This is my first time. Thank you.

by Any-Scientist-7612

1 Comment

  1. HawkGrouchy51

    Firstly, Flf is tropical plant,they love sunlight..morning sunlight is the best..Singapore is good for it

    ..l live in Hongkong, l’ve had two pots for years,l just water them thoroughly every time..l never fertilize them..

    Can you show us some pictures of whole plant?

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