Indoor Garden

What to do with happy plant after week on deck

Our happy plant (pictured) had been sitting in the far corner of our apartment quite far away from a window but near a skylight for about 1 year quite happily. No new leaves but also no browning/discolouration of leaves.

We recently had the floors re-done in our apartment, and had to move everything during that process, including moving planty here out onto our front deck (which receives 3-4 hours of direct morning sunlight at the moment during winter in Aus) for about 1 week.

Since bringing the plant back inside, we have trimmed off a number of leaves that have gone completely brown and dried out, with more leaves since following suit. I'm looking for any plant care suggestions – I am conscious that it may have not been in optimal conditions during its first year of life given it didn't really grow any new leaves.

Thanks all.

by CammaJamma

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