
Papaya cookies, 1st RDWC grow.

59 days from seed, papaya cookies auto from fastbuds420. Nabbed a good pheno I think in a pack of three as all three sprouted but only 1 made it out the plug. Probably my error as I’m new to hydro, the plan was to go with the best looking sprout regardless and throw it into the new single bucket RDWC I built with 55gal water chiller and central AC. This girl is seriously huge at around 4ft tall and has a lot left in her, and absolutely packing the buds on and getting covered in trichs. It’s so loud that it floods the area with fruit smoothie even though there’s a 6” carbon filter bought before this grow. This is a completely hands off grow basically. Nutes once a week mixed and poured into the main rez. PH balanced daily if needed, and I tighten up the canopy a bit every few weeks. It has honestly been so refreshing and rewarding to see something you’ve researched for a while, go into motion and provide the desired outcomes.

by SigismundFTE

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