Plant Propagation

How should I propagate this snake plant with some rhizome still intact?

I received a cutting in June that had a bit of rhizome (the white parts at the very bottom of this stem). It also came with two roots (red arrows) but the roots died when I tried sticking them directly in soil. Pic is when I received the cutting. Ignore the other roots in the pic cuz I also had another plant with roots in the same container. I only had this prop in a day in water before I moved it to soil. It sat in soil for about 1.5 months and ended up with dead roots and a bit of rotting. I rinsed it with tap water and stuck it in a prop jar with tap water. I really want to try propogating without cutting this leaf at all if possible, will this be possible since some of the rhizome is still intact? The leaf part now is a bit wrinkly but I'm keeping it under a grow light for 5 hours a day.

by ExternalArt


  1. Automatic-Reason-300

    If you failed when you put it in soil, you can keep it in water until the new roots grow. But in my experience at least with Snake plants, you get better result plant them direct in soil they grow faster.


    How much were you watering it when you had it in soil? Sounds like overwatering

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