
How To Grow A Rosemary Plant For Decades | 12 Secrets To Success

Every imaginable secret, tip, and trick to growing rosemary in your garden. Important rules to follow to keep your rosemary alive for years. Rosemary has been known to live as much as 30 years in its native environment. Follow along and you’ll never need to buy rosemary again.

National Weather Service:

Upright Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’): This variety features tall, upright growth, making it ideal for hedges or as a backdrop in gardens. It has deep blue flowers and highly aromatic leaves.

Creeping Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’): As the name suggests, this is a low-growing, trailing variety, perfect for hanging baskets, containers, or as a ground cover. It has light blue to violet flowers.

Golden Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Joyce DeBaggio’): This variety is known for its variegated leaves that are green with yellow streaks. It’s an eye-catching plant in any garden and has pale blue flowers.

Pink Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Pink’): This unique rosemary has pink flowers, a rare color in rosemary plants. It’s a great ornamental plant and maintains the typical rosemary leaf flavor and aroma.

Arp Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Arp’): Known for its cold hardiness, ‘Arp’ can withstand lower temperatures than most other rosemary varieties. It has a bushy growth habit and produces blue flowers.

Barbecue Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Barbecue’): This variety has long, straight stems and is often used as skewers for grilling. Its leaves are highly flavorful, making it a favorite for culinary use.

Spice Islands Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Spice Islands’): Known for its strong flavor, this type is often preferred in cooking. It grows upright and has dark blue flowers.

Majorca Pink Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Majorca Pink’): This variety stands out with its unusual pink flowers. It’s a bushy plant, often used for decorative purposes in gardens and for culinary uses.

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  1. Thank you for more information on caring for your herbs. I usually plant my rosemary in a huge pot alongside the sage , and last fall I planted some garlic cloves in the same huge pot, covered with lots of grass clippings. I am just waiting on the weather before I check them out to see how they are doing.

  2. I'm in Florida zone 10 and I have raised garden planters on my lanai. Can a 1 gallon Rosemary plant do well in these? They are rectangular 4 feet long and 2 feet high.

  3. I have Rosemary in my yard that's probably been there since 1962 when the house was built. Sandy soil and several frosts and a few snows. Stays where it is!

  4. sometimes I wonder…how those ANCIENT plants that have been around FOREVER…could make it without interference of MAN…..I have lots of Rosemary in my Garden…and I am not digging them out and replanting them….I simply care and love them by giving them some kind attention and thankfulness….I deeply trust Nature..that knows EXACTLY where to allow a plant to seed and grow…and where not….

  5. My Rosemary has always survived…but not thrived. I love Rosemary but just haven’t figured out how to grow it well. You’ve helped me with some great tips, so I’ll hope this year will be the year of ROSEMARY success. Thanks!

  6. I think climate has tons to do with success. In parts of California Rosemary is planted in the median strips on the highways. Huge bushes with beautiful blue flowers. I’m going to try as a container plant this year here in Arkansas, using a black garbage bag covering in the winter. I’m thinking stakes to keep it from touching the plant and occasionally airing it when checking on it during the winter. Has anyone tried using those silver prepper “blankets” for insulation? I think I’m going to experiment and see if they might work. Black bags absorb the sun, while silver might reflect the cold. Should be interesting.

  7. Zone 8a seems to be getting colder with Jan ice storms last two years. Maybe lithic planting is called for…Thanks for the vid.✌️

  8. I’ve lived in many areas of CA; SoCal (San Juan Cap in the hills) to on the coast (Santa Cruz), to the very Northern area (Chico-Northernmost Sacramento Valley). I’ve never failed to be able to grow Rosemary. Just water so they stay happy. At the 2500’ (~800m) level, snow never bothered them, but I admit the snow never stayed longer than a week. Beautiful plants with so much aroma that just a few cuttings give my pillow a satisfying, relaxing, Zen mindfulness.

  9. Zone 7a in N.E.Arkansas I just cover with a deep layer of leaves for winter, uncover when ever it's nice and recover for hard freeze. Plant is huge.

  10. We had a rosemary here that was about 12 years old. It always did well here in our yard next to the house (NW WA Zone 8b) until winter of '22-'23 and it suddenly died that spring of '23. We were so upset! I now just bought two little rosemary starts and hopefully they'll live as long as our other one did.

  11. I am actually surprised listening to this video and some of the comments made about Winter killing Rosemary. I put in a small 6 inch plant in my flower bed 12 years ago. It has sense grown to a huge bush over 5ft tall and the width around 4ft. I live in the Mojave Desert where our Summers get to 115 degress and our Winters drop well under freezing. Once in a while it will snow here. My Rosemary has never had a problem. Five years ago a new neighbor moved in next door and she planted 5 Rosemarys in her front yard that are now as big as mine. In fact hers are even healthier because they flower so well. Mine does too but hers just go crazy. She has never done anything to her Rosemarys to try and help them because they never needed any. So, this is confusing to me like I said. How come our Rosemarys can survive our desert temperatures just fine?

  12. Thank you for sharing your experience of growing rosemary.
    I noticed that the Christmas bought rosemary survives much better if you using EM1 proper diluted solution. Microorganisms prevent rot and provide slightly acidic environment.

  13. I am in zone 1b canada. we get super cold winters, out house gets as low as 11-14 Celsius in the winter at times. will a rosemary plant do well enough you think in that?

  14. In our country rosemary is planted as hedges. It grows to over 5 meters high, and has no problem with 45 celcius or snow.

  15. I love Rosemary in my food. And it’s so pretty, indeed.
    I feel like I see huge Rosemary bushes all over in SE North Carolina, not sure if it is though.

  16. Thanks! I now know why I’ve had such “bad luck” with bringing rosemary inside. Living in zone six, on the edge of five, I have to bring it in by the beginning of November.

  17. I live in Zone 5. I have had it going into it's second year. For winter, I cover it with leaves throughout winter.

  18. perlite aint that great, as it can become part of clump in fine media. pumice and/or sharp sand are better.

  19. im zone 6a and my rosemary lives on my sunny windowsil or under my grow lights for winter. ive killed a few over the years learning that lol

  20. We have 15% humidity today, and most days… Up to 60% in winter but mostly around 30%… Some of summer here it is 7% . I plant on the edge of the tree shadows so they don't get fried. Central Arizona, outside Prescott. At about 4500 ft above sea level. We sometimes have trouble with spittle bugs. Insecticidal soap works on them. 🤔🙄🤷🌵😎👵🐺🖖🌵💖💋

  21. We live in the sunny Arizona 🏜️ desert 9a and 9b. It's too hot here for boxwood, so many landscapers plant rosemary instead as it takes a topiary shapes easily.

  22. I have an unheated, south facing enclosed porch. When I used to bring my rosemary inside the porch for the winter, it would die every year. The last 3 or 4 years I left it outside, gathered close to other plants. It has survived being outside for the winter in zone 7. I want to ask, is taking small cuttings for cooking, in the summer or winter bad for the plant?

  23. I accidentally planted a potted one I bought at the grocery store. I set the pot out side near the fence with the intention of maybe repotting or finding a suitable place for it. Well, a few weeks later I went to pick the pot up and the roots had grown so well into the dirt that I could not lift it. So, I cut away the plastic pot and left it where it was. I have done absolutely nothing to care for this plant, and it is absolutely thriving. To my shock.

  24. Thank you for this video. I live in zone 5b-6, so can’t keep my rosemary out during the winter. I have a small greenhouse, and I bought a heater for it for this coming winter. If I can over winter my rosemary in the greenhouse, what care do I need to give it e.g. water, heat, assume no fertilizer, etc.? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

  25. Thank you for the heads up on the pro-life it's around 3 to 4 years old. And I dearly love it I've got the purple pinkish looking flower I love my raspberry plant around 3 ft you shared a lot that I didn't really know I appreciate everything that you said

  26. Thank you so much for the info! I truly appreciate you taking the time to share all of this with us. Your rosemary is beautiful

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